Opt Out

If you are a UK-domiciled Publisher of online display ads, you may opt out of the collective proceedings.

Opt Out

Fill in your details below:

    * Denotes a Required Field.

    I believe that I am/my business is a member of the “Publisher” opt-out class in the collective proceedings before the UK’s Competition Appeal Tribunal: Ad Tech Collective Action LLP v (1) Alphabet Inc; (2) Google LLC; (3) Google Ireland limited; and (4) Google UK Limited (Claim Nos 1572/7/7/22 and 1582/7/7/23). I/my business wish/wishes to opt out from (i.e., be excluded from) these proceedings.

    I understand that if I opt out/my business opts out of this claim and the claim subsequently results in a damages award or settlement, I/my business will not be entitled to any compensation.

    I confirm that the information provided above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.


    If you are under 18 years of age you will need to get your parent/guardian to sign this form on your behalf.


    I agree that my electronic signature on this form is the equivalent of my handwritten signature. I further agree that my electronic signature on this form is as valid as my handwritten signature. I hereby confirm that the electronic signature has been produced with my consent.